Copy of mail from Councillor Bennett:

Dear Mr Harvey,

I have recently been appointed Executive Member for Transport, Highways and Road Safety in the place of William Huntingdon-Thresher who did not seek re-election in May. My colleague, Cllr Aisha Cuthbert has taken on Executive responsibility for Sustainability, Green Services and Open Spaces.

I have decided that best way I can be aware of any road safety issues is by consulting my fifty-seven fellow councillors. To this end I have invited colleagues to give me a tour round their wards to show me any concerns. In addition, our Fix My Street portal gives early warning to our professional staff and, of course, they also receive and analyse reports of all accidents which the police attend.

In the light of this decision, and conscious that we have a very limited budget, which is heavily reliant on money from TfL through the Local Implementation Programme, I have decided that the Road Safety Panel, which has not met since 2019, is no longer needed.

I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the excellent work you have done over the years which is much appreciated by the council. Please feel free to continue to report any matters involving road safety of which you think I and the officers should be aware.

Once again, thank you for your service to the Borough.

Best wishes


Cllr Nicholas Bennett JP

Executive Member for Transport, Highways & Road Safety

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