Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 29 June 2023

Oral Questions from the Public

1) Can you provide the number of Potholes in the Borough with repairs outstanding by age profile. Over 10 days, 35 days, 50 days, 100 days and 150 days old?

‘Potholes’ are not recorded as such but the figures for minor carriageway repairs are.
Over 10 days – 148
10 to 35 days – 215
36 to 50 days – 174
51 to 100 days – 374
101 to 150 days – 97
Over 150 days – 13
For fuller detail please see my update.

Supplementary Question: How many O’Rourke crews are there?

It varies between one and three. I have asked if this number could be increased to 5.

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