Questions from the Public for Written Response:

1) Bromley’s Air Quality Action Plan (2020-25) aims to obtain funding to create a new public space at Elmers End Green, with walking and cycling improvements. Have funding applications been submitted for this scheme, and if not, why has it not been prioritised over other schemes across Bromley?

The proposal for a major public realm improvement at Elmers End Green has become a lower priority since the funding received by Bromley for Liveable Neighbourhood Schemes was withdrawn.

2) When will the council assess and remedy the displacement effects of Controlled Parking Zone W given households in Albert and Balfour Roads have been impacted by them for 14 years and have now voted by a large majority for an extension of the zone to those streets?

The Council has thoroughly evaluated the parking concerns in Albert and Balfour Roads, including the potential displacement effects of Permit Parking W. Our findings indicate that the current parking congestion is primarily due to residential parking, which means that extending the permit parking zone would not effectively address the underlying issue. Given this consideration, the Council does not plan to reassess or implement changes to the existing Permit Parking W.

3) ECS Draft 2024/2025 Portfolio Plan: Priority 3, Clause 3.4,6
Every Portfolio Plan, from 2021/2022 to 2024/2025 states that the flood team has ‘been working with Thames Water and the Environment Agency to identify other flood risk areas in the Borough’. Please list all the areas identified since 2021; the mitigation measures needed; cost estimates and programmes for this work?

Working with Thames Water and the Environment Agency no new flood risk areas have been identified since 2021. A small number of localised flooding incidences have occurred, which have been managed within existing policies.

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