
Asking public questions can help to highlight to councillors any local environmental issues that matter most to you or help pinpoint problems you’d like them to tackle. It’s a fairly quick and efficient way of receiving an answer from the Portfolio Holder, the councillor responsible for the Environment Portfolio.

Next Meeting: 4 SEPTEMBER 2024, 7.00pm at Bromley Civic Centre

General questions

If you have questions on walking, active travel or a highways issue in your area, you can submit one question to the quarterly Bromley Council Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny committee.  

Written questions, no longer than 50 words, should be submitted by email 10 working days or more before the date of the next meeting to: committee.services@bromley.gov.uk and stephen.wood@bromley.gov.uk.  

Agenda questions

The agenda for committee meetings is published on the Council website seven days before the meeting date. Residents may ask a maximum of two written questions on an agenda item if it’s submitted within two working days of the publication of the agenda.

Here’s a link to the Environment committee dates. Click on a date to see the agenda:


Here’s information from the Bromley Council website on how to ask a question:



The reply to your question will be emailed to you after the meeting by Democratic Services and both question and answer will appear in the published minutes of the meeting.

Archived questions from past meetings