New Beckenham Station underpass – concerns over new barriers

In November 2023 Bromley Council installed new barriers at the underpass next to New Beckenham Station, pictured below.

Photo showing chicane barriers at the entrance to the underpass by New Beckenham Station

Shortly after these were installed, we contacted ward councillors and council officials to raise concerns about the design of these barriers. Specifically the gap of ~1.15m between each barrier creates a very tight path for anyone travelling on a mobility scooter or wheelchair, using a cargo bike or handcycle (when dismounted), or with a double buggy.

As far as we know, council officials are considering whether the barriers could be adjusted to improve accessibility. We will continue to pursue this issue as the underpass is a key link for walking, cycling and wheeling around Beckenham, and maintaining access for users is essential. Please contact us at if you would like to get involved, or have concerns you would like to raise.

Disappearing planters! Three reasons this is bad news for the High Street and bad news for residents

Bromley Council has removed planters enabling social distancing on Beckenham High Street and near Bromley South, reinstating a small number of parking spaces. Please write to your elected representatives today to let them know why this is a bad idea, and submit questions to the Portfolio Holder at the next Environment committee meeting (info on how to do this can be found here). The website WriteToThem will give you contact details for your MP, Councillors, and GLA representatives.

Continue reading “Disappearing planters! Three reasons this is bad news for the High Street and bad news for residents”