Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 25 January 2023

Questions from the Public for Oral Response:

1) I am a resident of Tylney Road, and for years, cars have been driving too fast down the road. There have been several times where I’ve nearly been hit by speeding cars due to lack of visibility. Will the Council commit to reducing speed on Tylney Road, and how?

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Consultation on the draft Bromley Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), Jan 2023

Draft response by Bromley Living Streets and Bromley Cyclists

This document is our draft response to this SPD consultation written by Bromley Cyclists (part of the London Cycling Campaign – LCC) and Bromley Living Streets (part of Living Streets, the national charity for everyday walking –, two local organisations run by and for residents of Bromley Borough. We think it is vitally important that stakeholders who care about the future of Bromley Town centre respond to this consultation because (as explained on the council’s webpage) The SPD provides detailed guidance to assist with the implementation of adopted Development Plan policies – Bromley Local Plan and the London Plan – that relate to Bromley Town Centre. We are keen to receive feedback on this draft response. We are also keen to encourage others to provide feedback.

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