Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 7 October 2018

Questions for Oral Reply:

1) Orpington’s Priory Ponds Bridge has been closed for 37 weeks awaiting balustrade repair. Does the Portfolio Holder consider this an acceptable level of service, given Priory Gardens’ Grade II status within Historic England’s ‘Register of Historic Parks and Gardens’, and his Portfolio Plan’s aims and outcome ‘Enhancing Bromley’s Parks & Green Spaces’?

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Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 9 September 2020

Questions from the Public for Written Response:

1) RVR members have been very concerned for many years at the excess traffic exiting Station Road at Shortlands traffic lights making the junction very dangerous for pedestrians. What is the situation regarding the proposal for a modal filter in Glass Mill Lane?

Continue reading “Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 9 September 2020”

Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 17 November 2020

Questions from the Public for Written Response:

1) The School Street for Hayes Primary unfortunately did not go ahead. To reduce traffic, improve safety in George Lane and promote active travel in line with Government and TfL guidelines will the council commit to maintenance and improvement of Rookery Lane so that it’s a usable route all year round?

Continue reading “Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 17 November 2020”

Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 17 March 2020

Questions from the Public for Written Response:

1) Bromley Council’s webpage on air quality monitoring states that the decision to ‘operate a continuous monitoring site…and supplement this with a significant number of inexpensive diffusion tubes’ was taken by the Council because ‘air quality monitoring is very expensive’. Can the Portfolio Holder share information on the costs of different options considered?

Continue reading “Public questions – Bromley Council Environment Committee, 17 March 2020”