Questions from the Public for Written Response:
1) According to LBB’s latest survey, 50% of vehicles EXCEED the 30mph speed-limit along Crofton Road. Given that cycling is now encouraged along this busy road, and pedestrian-crossing refuges removed, does the policyholder think this is acceptable? If not, what measures are planned to make cycling and walking safer along Crofton Road.
A significant investment in walking and cycling was made in regard to the eastern arm of Crofton Road in 2021. Post implementation surveys showed that speeds had reduced in this part of Crofton Road since that scheme was implemented. The surveys showed that 85th percentile speed had fallen by about 4% to 34mph. This measure of speed is nationally accepted as the best measure in regard to speeding. Although we all wish that drivers would stick to speeds below the limit, 34mph is not too high for a road such as Crofton Road, and the more important measure is injury collisions, which are few on this road.
2) The 2020 report into the viability of the Crofton Road Cycle Scheme indicated the potential for 21,000 walking or cycling journeys to Orpington Station. What are the results of the study into its success? If no report has been undertaken, why not?
I refer the questioner to the report to this PDS Committee on 22nd November 2022.
3) How do Will Rowlands and Catherine Cooke go about setting charging levels and notifying residents of changes, and how was this done in relation to household DIY waste charging?
The charging for the disposal of household DIY type waste has been in place at the two Reuse and Recycling Centres (RRC) for over two decades. The charges are based on the price per tonne rate that the council incurs for treating and disposing of the material and are set at a rate to cover these costs. The recent changes have resulted in residents being able to dispose of a small amount of DIY type waste for free at the RRCs. Should residents wish to dispose of amounts above the free allowance set out by Government, they will incur a charge. This change was as a result of a change in legislation and was enacted in late November 2023. The changes were reported to Members of the ECS PDS Committee in January 2024, and have been published on the Council’s Website and will be in the spring edition insert of the Bromley Magazine/Environment Matters. A leaflet has also been developed to hand out at the RRCs to provide more information to residents and to support on site staff. Any future changes will be published on our website and via signage at the RRCs.
4) For the safety of pedestrians (incl. children) and cyclists, does the Council agree it is time to have speed cameras installed on Crofton Road to potentially save people’s lives? As you are aware, LBB’s recent survey shows that more than 4,000 vehicles drive over 40 miles/hour each week.
Speed cameras are the responsibility of the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London and these were placed at locations with a poor record of speed related injury accidents. This location does not meet that criterion. The Council works closely with the police to tackle the dangerous driving which a small minority drivers display. The local Safer Neighbourhood Panel decides local police priorities and if they perceive there is a problem here, they can apply for the use of speed guns for a local operation.
5) It is recorded that the Flood Risk and Resilience Plan was implemented in March 23. Has the detailed Plan been reported to Committee, consulted on by the public, and where can it be viewed?
The Council’s Flood Risk and Resilience Plan has yet to be implemented but is a priority in the 2024/5 Portfolio Plan.